Archive for August, 2011

Operation Bookshelf Part 1- The Mission

Pretty soon I’m moving for school. Not too far, so I’ll be home pretty regularly. I still have to narrow down my stuff to the stuff I just can’t live without. I will only have one medium shelf set for books, movies, TV shows and video games… so how do I choose what to take!? […]

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Favorites Month Wrap Up

I want to say a big thank you to everyone who came out and participated in my Favorite’s Month. It was so much fun getting to share my all of the authors I love with people who love books as much as I do. Of course, a big special thank you to all four of […]

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Patricia Briggs Quotes

Some of these I hadn’t heard before but they’re actually pretty funny. Enjoy! “MS. THOMPSON, it said in heavy block letters, PLEASE KEEP YOUR FELINE OFF MY PROPERTY. IF I SEE IT AGAIN, I WILL EAT IT.” “Women are the bloodthirsty sex, said Ric sadly. We get the reputation, but it is only because the […]

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Patricia Briggs Giveaway

This is it, the last giveaway of Favorite’s Month here at ReaWrite. Congrats to both of our winners so far and there are still two more chances to win! I’ve spent all week delving into the wide selection of books Patricia Briggs has to offer and there are a lot! So, since it is the […]

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Patricia Briggs Showdown- The Final Round

So, I’ve narrowed it down to two books, so this is it! This round decides which of Patricia Briggs many fantastic novels will be my next read. I had been limiting my Patricia Briggsyness to her wonderful Mercy Thompson series and today, I branch out! So, here are the contenders! Masques -First in a series […]

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Patricia Briggs Showdown Round 1, Part 2

Yesterday, in round one, Raven’s shadow came out on top. Now to decide who which other book will go head to head against it in the finals! For round two I will be facing a standalone book against the first book in a series of four. So, here goes! The Hobs Bargain vs. Masques! Premise: […]

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Patricia Briggs Showdown Round 1, Part 1- The Duologys

I am trying to decide which book out of Patricia Brigg’s extensive fantasy works to read next. I have four options (there are more than four obviously, I am only counting the first in any series and I have read anything set in the Mercy Thompson world). Today, I’m going to have a look at […]

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Moon Called- Patricia Briggs

Synopsis: Mercy Thompson’s sexy next-door neighbor is a werewolf. She’s tinkering with a VW bus at her mechanic shop that happens to belong to a vampire. But then, Mercy Thompson is not exactly normal herself … and her connection to the world of things that go bump in the night is about to get her […]

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Favorite Authors Month- Patricia Briggs

A big thank you to everyone who stopped by and participated in Rachel Vincent week. I had a lot of fun and I hope all of you did too =) *sniffle* We have reached the last week of Favorites Month but I’m going out with a bang. An entire week of of the wonderful Patricia […]

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Rachel Vincent quotes

Lots of good quotes this week. There are just so many to choose from I couldn’t turn any good ones away =D “The moment the door opened I knew an ass-kicking was inevitable. Whether I’d be giving it or receiving it was still a bit of a mystery.” “It’s not the length of the word; […]

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