Review Policy

Written By: Kellie

Review Policy

I do accept review requests and love to help promote books through interviews, guest posts, book trailers and giveaways.

Please keep in mind that the vast majority of what I review are YA and speculative fiction (mostly fantasy, some sci-fi titles but no hard scifi) and so will only be reviewing requests within these genres. If you are an author or publicist I invite you to email me with the blurb, book cover and what you are looking for in terms of promotion.

Also note, I am currently only accepting books from 2011 onwards. If your book is not the first in it’s series please note this as well just for my own reference.

I only accept books I am genuinely interested in and so my reviews are generally favorable but I do not in any way guarantee a positive review. If for any reason, the review is two stars or less or I am unable to finish the book I will of course email you with an explanation.

Concerning Self Published Titles
I love to read and support self published authors. I am currently accepting review requests for self-published titles in the following genres.
– Contemporary YA
– Dystopian/Apocalyptic fiction or YA
– Really, anything Young Adult
– Time Travel
– Historical fiction (not primarily romance)