Archive for June, 2013

A Boat Made of Bone Kickstarter

Happy Sunday everyone! I just wanted to take a quick minute out of everyones day to tell you all about a fantastic Kickstarter project currently in the works from author Nicole Grotepas! Nicole is a member of the Patchwork Press NetGalley Co-Op and she’s looking for help funding her next novel, A Boat Made of […]

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Cover Reveal: A Grimm Legacy by Janna Jennings

Cover reveal day for Janna Jennings, an awesome awesome Patchwork Press author. The woods of Elorium appear ordinary, at least until elves appear and the birds start talking. Four teenagers, whisked out of their own world, find themselves as the reluctant guests of the strange and secretive millionaire, Mr. Jackson—a man who knows the secrets […]

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Top 10 2013 Reads–So far!

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish… my list is in no real order. I have finished 44 books so far this year, ranging from rereads to new releases. I’m actually on track for one of my best reading years, in terms of quality if not quantity. So many great books! […]

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Review: The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau

Series: The Testing, #1 Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Books for Children Publish Date: June 4th, 2013 Source: Review Copy Goodreads Rating: 4/5 – Started out as “just okay”, but quickly hit its stride. A must read! About the book: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Isn’t that what they say? But how close is too close […]

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Review: In the After by Demitria Lunetta

Publisher: Harper Teen Publish Date: June 25th, 2013 Source: ARC Goodreads Rating: 5/5 Stars Synopsis: They hear the most silent of footsteps. They are faster than anything you’ve ever seen. And They won’t stop chasing you…until you are dead. Amy is watching TV when it happens, when the world is attacked by Them. These vile creatures are […]

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Top 10 Summer TBR 2013

  SUMMER READING! It’s that time, and boy are there a lot of great books to read. My must read TBR actually has 22 books right now (not even counting the rereads of earlier titles I want to do before finally picking up the sequels) thanks to BEA. These are the ones I’m most excited […]

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Blog Tour: Ignite by Erica Crouch

Ignite, by Erica Crouch My writing partner, Erica Crouch, is currently in the midst of celebrating her first ever book launch. She worked so immensely hard on getting this first book out and it is FANTASTIC. You should all go out and get it riggghhhtt now. You can also hop over to my author blog […]

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Cover Reveal: Jenny’s Blue Velvet by Angela Carlie

BOOK AND AUTHOR INFO: Jenny’s Blue Velvet by Angela Carlie Publication date: August 22nd 2013 Genre: Adult Romantic Thriller Synopsis: Jenny’s stuck. She’s tried just about every occupation she can think of and will be digging out of student debt for a very long time, but has nothing to show for it. Her everyday routine feels like a prison. […]

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Promo: The Necromancer’s Apprentice by R.M. Prioleau

About the book: Jasmine Na’Darod lived a simple life with her parents and older sister on the family’s farm. She never strayed far from home until the ill-fated Blood Moon arose, basking the country of Caristan with a terrible, sickening drought. When her mother falls ill, Jasmine and her family are forced to leave home […]

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The Perils of Bookshelf Re-Organization

This pas weekend, I picked up the rest of my BEA book haul, and after I spent a good twenty minute just petting them, it was time to get down to business. My bookshelf situation has always been a little sloppy. Sure, there has always been a little method to my madness, but I’ve never […]

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