Archive for June, 2011

The Lost Crown- Sarah Miller

Publisher: Atheneum Publish Date: June 14th, 2011 Source: Purchased Goodreads Rating: 4/5 – Loving the YA/ Historical Combo. Synopsis: As World War I ignites across Europe, political unrest sweeps Russia. First dissent, then disorder, mutiny, and revolution. For Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia, the end of their girlhood together is colliding with the end of more than […]

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Misfit- Jon Skovron

Synopsis: Jael Thompson has never really fit in. She’s changed schools too many times to count. The only family she’s ever known is her father, a bitter ex-priest who never lets her date and insists she attend the strictest Catholic school in Seattle. And her mother—well, she was a five thousand year old demon. That […]

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In My Mailbox- 06/26

This week at work is Buy 3, Get 1 Free! Seriously, my favorite time of year. So I bought a good chunk this week, and will be buying more next week. Just so I’m not the crazy girl who buys like 18 books at a time. So, here is the first batch! Bought this one […]

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Fave Reads of 2011- So far!

I love, love, love this idea. I can always use an excuse to gush about the books I’ve read. I tried not to reuse any books but it didn’t work out that well. I’ve read 44 books so far this year, but what can I say, some were just better than others. I think my […]

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Favorite’s Month

I am officially declaring August to be ‘Favorites Month’ at ReaWrite. I will be dedicating each of the four weeks of August to one of my favorite authors. I’ll be reviewing a couple of their books, doing a giveaway for each author, yammering on about why I love them, and I even have an author […]

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Remnants- K.A. Applegate

Synopsis: This is a series of 14 books for middle grades, but I love, love, love these books. I’ll review them all together here since each book on its own is tiny. The series starts of in a 2001 view of 2011. The technology isn’t all that on par with what we have now, but […]

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Top Ten Tuesday #1

My first ever Top Ten Tuesday… it’s a topic I just couldn’t resist. The Top Ten reasons I love being a book blogger. 1. I’m finally keeping on top of the genres I love. I used to be constantly months or even years behind on all but my favorite authors. Now I know what’s current, […]

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Hold Me Closer Necromancer- Lish McBride

Summary: Sam leads a pretty normal life. He may not have the most exciting job in the world, but he’s doing all right—until a fast food prank brings him to the attention of Douglas, a creepy guy with an intense violent streak. Turns out Douglas is a necromancer who raises the dead for cash and […]

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The Angel Experiment- James Patterson

Synopsis: Characters based on James Patterson’s international bestsellers When the Wind Blows and The Lake House are re-invented in Maximum Ride and are launched on the ultimate action-packed adventure full of humor and suspense. Fourteen-year-old Maximum Ride, better known as Max, knows what it’s like to soar above the world. She and all the members […]

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If I Stay- Gayle Forman

Synopsis: Mia has no memory of the accident that changed her life. This inexperienced 17-year-old only recalls riding on that slippery Oregon road with her family, then, in an instant, seeing herself lifted from the twisted wreck. This affecting story of one young woman’s struggle through tragedy and grieving will appeal to readers of books […]

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