Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, what a year?! Seriously, it has been absolutely crazy and wonderful. I’m equally sad to see 2013 go and excited to see what 2014 will bring. 2013 also brought some new favorite things (a.k.a. obsessions) into my life. To cap off the year, I just wanted to take a few minutes to share with the class while I reminise about all the things I fell in love with this year.
In no particular order…
1. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
I’ve talked about this book a lot and I’m sure I will continue to do so in 2014 (I’ve already got the audiobook ready to go). This is one of the few books I can point to as a piece of literature that truly had an impact on me beyond finishing the book. Completely wonderful and I’m looking forward to finally reading Elenor & Park in 2014.
2. New to me TV shows that are already done–Being Erica, and Friday Night Lights
These two shows were already finished by the time I fell in love with them, but I fell for them all the same. HARD. I devoured all four seasons of Being Erica on NetFlix during the summer and then bought the DVDs right away because I knew there would be many rewatches in my future. It’s about a Canadian woman who is perpetually single and underemployed who has the chance to go back in time and fix her regrets, while also slowly working towards a career in publishing. Right up my alley. Friday Night Lights is a more recent love as we got my mom the complete series for Christmas, but we’re already part way through season two. Two words, Tim Riggins. Yum.
3. Publishing
Obviously, this was a big one for me. I published a short story collection, a novel, and a novella in 2013 and had so much fun with the whole experience. This is something I have every intention of continuing to work towards in 2014. The ideas are already coming full speed.
4. Reign
My favorite NEW show of 2013. A “historical drama” (this term is used VERY loosely here) on the CW that is my new obsession. Following the dramatically altered story of Mary Queen of Scots, this show has all the makings of a great teen drama. Only half a season in and I’m hooked. If you aren’t watching this already, you totally should because I’ll be heartbroken if it isn’t picked up for a second season.
5. More new favorite books
2013 was the first year I read a bunch of FANTASTIC books. Just One Day, For Darkness Shows the Stars, Cinder, These Broken Stars and a slew of other new favorites. *sigh* Aren’t books great?
6. Starting Patchwork Press
Erica Crouch and I decided to start up a small press/indie publishing collective back in April, and the results have already been more incredible than either of us guessed. We’ve since added three more authors to our ranks, and we’ve got lots of epic publishing adventures in store for next year. Self-publishing can be a lonley experience, so having other authors there to cheer each other on has made a big difference for me.
7. Starting the YA WordNerds
A few months ago I adutioned to become a member of the YA Rebels and didn’t make the cut. That ended up being one of the best things to happen to me in 2013! Along with some other YA readers and writers, I started up a new YouTube channel and the WordNerds were born. Now I have my foot into YouTube and three amazing new bookish friends (counting Erin and Erica as preestablished bookish friends). Our live Sunday night chat is my new favorite part of the week.
8. New to me ongoing shows–Community and The Vampire Diaries
Why was I not watching these shows for the past few years?! Both The Vampire Diaries and Community are just amazeballs! I don’t even want to admit how quickly I went through the first four seasons of both once I figured out how madly in love with them I was. I tried TVD awhile ago but couldn’t get into it. Now… I can’t get OUT of it. Also… Steven R. McQueen.
9. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (movie)
I was so impressed with the newest YA book to movie adaptation that I saw it twice in a week. Catching Fire is my favorite book in the trilogy so I was a little nervous, but I left the theatre feeling beyond satisfied. The movie captured everything I loved about the book while also offering up some new favorite moments for me to obsess over until Mockingjay Part 1 come sout next year.
10. Lots of wonderful new music
This year I feel COMPLETELY in love with Bastille (for any writers out there, check out Poet). I also developed a new obsession for The Lumineers and Imagine Dragons, while also enjoying new stuff from Pentatonix, Walk Off the Earth and some of my other favorite YouTubers.
I absolutely loved Fangirl. Reading it brought me immediately back to my college years.
I’ve seen the previews for Reign – which always look good, I just haven’t tuned in yet. Maybe I should. When’s it on? Hopefully I can catch up with season one on demand.
Congrats on publishing and such an amazing year for you :) Here’s to 2014 being even better!
It’s a little bit addictive! (Reign) It’s on on Thhhuurrssddaayys I think. So good!
And yes, this year will be awesome for all of us!