Review: Pivot Point by Kasie West

Written By: Kellie - Jul• 15•13

pivot point

Series: Pivot Point
Publisher:  HarperTeen
Publish Date: February 12th, 2013
Source: Purchased

Rating: 4/5 – Cool concept, great writing. I can’t wait to read more!

About the book: Knowing the outcome doesn’t always make a choice easier . . .

Addison Coleman’s life is one big “What if?” As a Searcher, whenever Addie is faced with a choice, she can look into the future and see both outcomes. It’s the ultimate insurance plan against disaster. Or so she thought. When Addie’s parents ambush her with the news of their divorce, she has to pick who she wants to live with—her father, who is leaving the paranormal compound to live among the “Norms,” or her mother, who is staying in the life Addie has always known. Addie loves her life just as it is, so her answer should be easy. One Search six weeks into the future proves it’s not.

In one potential future, Addie is adjusting to life outside the Compound as the new girl in a Norm high school where she meets Trevor, a cute, sensitive artist who understands her. In the other path, Addie is being pursued by the hottest guy in school—but she never wanted to be a quarterback’s girlfriend. When Addie’s father is asked to consult on a murder in the Compound, she’s unwittingly drawn into a dangerous game that threatens everything she holds dear. With love and loss in both lives, it all comes down to which reality she’s willing to live through . . . and who she can’t live without. -Goodreads

Thoughts: This book had been on my radar since late last year, and I’m really not sure how or why I put off reading it for so long. As soon as you read the concept of this story, you’re interested. The idea of being able to explore how a decision will play out for each choice is just too epic an idea to pass up. The possibilities are endless. Kasie West played it smart and gave real thought to why her main character, Addie, wouldn’t be using this amazing ability all the freakin’ time and it worked really well. Of course, like it says in the blurb… Knowing the outcome doesn’t always make a choice easier.

Pivot Point explored a major decision for Addie. She could either stay with her mother in the super-power complex or move with her father into the normal world… and of course each option came equipped with a love interest and some pretty high stakes. While a lot of the book read like a fairly light, paranormal love story, things get really intense by the end of the story and Addie’s decision doesn’t end up being about which boy is the right one for her. Definitely suprising, but I’m so glad the Trevor vs. Duke debatw wasn’t the defining feature of this series. I really enjoyed seeing both sides of the coin for Addie, and how someone with special abilities might struggle to fit into our world.

I’m not entirely sure how this series will continue to work as I’m guessing there will be a major decision to be made at the beginning of each book… but that could get really hard to follow as the series progresses. It’ll be hard to push all of the paths not taken to the back of our minds… although that’s a problem Addie has to live with every day. Of course, we don’t have a best-friend who can erase memories, which will probably come in handy. On that note, I should mention that I really enjoyed Laila, Addie’s best friend. Her story wasn’t really in the forefront, but it was still imporant to driving the book forward and keeping the action going.

I would definitely recommend Pivot Point to any and all paranormal or special abilities fans. I can’t wait to see where Kasie West takes these characters next.

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