Top ten books on my summer TBR list

Written By: Kellie - Jun• 19•12

Top Ten Tuesday is of course brought to us by the wonderful The Broke and the Bookish. I don’t usually manage to make a decent list but I really couldn’t resist this one. Let’s have a look at our summer reading lists!!!

1. Shadow Bound by Rachel Vincent- I’ll be taking this one to Ireland with me because it’s going to be just that good.

2. Inheritance by Christopher Paolini- I have been waiting to read the final book in this series for a few months now, it just seems like such a huge undertaking. So, with a little luck I will get some posts scheduled ahead of time and will be able to take a whole week to really enjoy what will hopefully be an awesome book about dragons.

3. Bitterblue by Kristin Cashore- ‘Nuff said.

4. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas- I’m reading this right now as it was at the top of my BEA surprise gems list. ‘m just a few chapters in but I’m pretty sure I will love this book.

5. Changling by Philippa Gregory- Just last year I latched onto the P. Gregory bandwagon and totally fell in love with The Other Boleyn Girl so I’m curious to see what this talented author can do with YA and fantasy. Ooo boy!

6. Spark by Amy Kathleen Ryan- I’ve had this ARC for over a month now and somehow have still managed not to read it. Bah! How does this happen to me?!

7. Legend by Marie Lu- Thanks to BEA, I am the proud owner of Prodigy, but I should probably start at the beginning with what many have told me is a must read series.

8. Kitty Steals the Show by Carrie Vaughn- Book ten in one of my absolute favorite authors. I cannot wait! I’d also like to reread some of the earlier books in this series but there never seems to be enough time.

9.The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern- Yup, I haven’t read it yet. I never seem to read the big hype books on time and I never learn.

10. Something Steampunk- I’ve been meaning to try it on for size. Any recommendations? Either YA or adult is fine by me.

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  1. Ooh so many books on this list that I want to read also – like Bitterblue – loved Legend and The Night Circus! Hope you get to all these books and enjoy them all :-)

  2. I haven’t read any of those, and I haven’t read steampunk either. But I think Cassandra Clare writes steampunk and she is on my TBR. Enjoy summer!

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