Home from BEA 2012

Written By: Kellie - Jun• 12•12

I’m hommmeeee! It has been a whirlwind couple of weeks from Toronto to Philly to New York City and back again. While I had so much fun at the Wizard World Comic Con in Philly with some pretty fantastic people, if you’re here odds are your looking for details on BEA.

I arrived in New York at about 5:30 in the morning, walked twelve blocks in the wrong direction and eventually ended up at my hotel where I met one of my roommates, Cindy from Cindy’s Love of Books. I then took off for BBC even though I was running on only one hour of sleep. Ugh, bad plan Kellie. Really. So, here is me after what feels like three straight years of riding on buses. Joy.

At the author breakfast I met Kim (On the Wings of Books) and Kate (Midnight Book Girl). Kim and I actually ended up at the same table, along with Kaye, The Paper Reader whose blog I lurrvveee.

The BBC was great and I met some truly wonderful people who love reading as much as I do. It was pretty mind blowing to be in a room full of people who were passionate about exactly the same thing that I am. Hard to beat that.

The rest of BEA was equally incredible, if not exhausting. I didn’t go in looking for many specific titles (I got Shadow Bound & Bitterblue, I can now die happy) so I was really blown away by the titles that were popping up all over the Javits Center. I have so many books that I want to be my next read, even now it’s a little overwhelming.

I also met some really fantastic authors. The entire group over at Spencer Hill Press was so nice and I got a chance to talk to Rachel Vincent’s editor who was also amazingly cool. I had no idea Harlequin is based on Toronto!

I will go into more depth about the books I picked up at BEA, but for now here is the initial group photo of all the books after they made it safely home to Canada (thankfully, I didn’t have to ship which would have probably doubled my entire cost for the week).


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  1. Felicia says:

    Welcome back! It looks you have a ton of good reading ahead of you :)

  2. Kellie says:

    Absolutely :) I’ve already got two books on the go, but hey! What’s one more?

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