Wishing you all the happiest of holidays

Written By: Kellie - Dec• 26•11

Hi everyone! I hope you had a fantastic Christmas (for those who celebrate) and if you get a bit of a break this time of year, enjoy it and read a lot.

I did very well book wise this Christmas and am a happy little bookworm =)|

– Last Sacrifice (completing my paperback VA collection)
– Birthmarked
– Glow
– The Maze Runner (read it, now I have a copy of my own)
– Touch of Power
– Cleopatra Confesses

– $75 giftcard to Indigo. Should keep me in reading material for awhile.

I also bought myself a copy of Bloodlines while doing my holiday shopping and FINALLY got through it. Review coming in the next couple of days.

Books aside, I had such a fantastic Christmas. I’m usually running around a mile a minute on Christmas, visiting family and what not, but for once I had a quiet day in, spending time with my favorite people, and of course my pups. I hope all of you out there in the blogosphere had an equally wonderful day, surrounded by family and books.

I’m not going to be posting for the next few days. Gearing up to give ReaWrite a kick in the pants for the new year. I’d like to get a little ahead on posts, maybe come up with a new layout and a strategy to get this blog rolling a little faster. Coming up on my one year blogoversary, so this is a good time to start building momentum =)

See you all soon!

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  1. Sounds like a great Christmas, and I look forward to your renovated blog!

  2. Kellie says:

    Thanks so much! Enjoy the rest of the year =)

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