Summary: Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark won the annual competition described in Hunger Games, but the aftermath leaves these victors with no sense of triumph. Instead, they have become the poster boys for a rebellion that they never planned to lead. That new, unwanted status puts them in the bull’s-eye for merciless revenge by The Capitol.
Review: Another great addition to the Hunger Games trilogy. I read both this book and the first in a ten hour period, I just couldn’t stop. Like the first book, this one managed to do something that very few books do any more. Truly surprise me. I won’t give anything away here for those who haven’t read it yet (Seriously?! What are you waiting for?) but there was a few WHOA moments.
Revolution is at the fore front of everyone’s thoughts in this book. Very few people are happy with the status quo, but no one is quite ready to act so the mood is always extremely tense. I was at the edge of my seat throughout the entire book because you just knew things could go very wrong at any time.
We learn a little more about how this civilization is shaped in this book, getting to see more districts and learn a bit more about the government. I’m not sure if this is necessarily a realistic possibility for North America’s future, but it is definitely riveting. The conditions that these people are living in are awful, no question. It’s really kind of surprising they hadn’t revolted sooner. Even Katniss has such a limited idea of the world around her, especially the effect that she is having.
Everything about this book is intense. Right from the get go, down to the killer cliffhanger (thank goodness I only had to wait a day to get to Mockingjay, I don’t know how you all did it).
Once again the characters are vivid and realistic, although they don’t seem to have changed that much since the trauma of the first book. Well, maybe that’s not true for everyone. The mindless flakes of Katniss’s Capitol prep team do show a little more substance in this one.
The love triangle (something that usually drives me crazy) is still prominent in this book, although it is definitely more believable than most book love triangles. It just kind of happened, there was no fate or nonsensicalness involved. Plus, Katniss is obviously one awesome chick who you really can’t fault any guy for caring about. She takes care of herself and the people around her rather than just having some unspeakable allure they can’t get enough of. I definitely know who I’m rooting for her to choose though.
Overall, book one was a little bit stronger I think, but mostly because it was so unexpected (even after all the hype) but this will still, easily be one of the best books I read this year. Suzanne Collins is clearly a gifted writer with a viscous imagination and a brilliant sense of the dramatic. Another must read.
Second Opinions
@ Karin’s Book Nook
@ In Bed with Books
@ Reading Through Life
I absolutely love this series. ‘Mockingjay’ was a bit of a disappointment, though I’ll have to re-read the series in total to have a full opinion on it. But yah, ‘Catching Fire’ impressed me. It’s not often that a sequel can be just as riveting as the first book.
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