Synopsis: “In Laura Resnick’s Doppelgangster, the New York actress is ‘resting’ between roles by working as a singing waitress at a Manhattan mob restaurant because wiseguys tip well. Then duplicated gangsters appear, bullets start flying, and it’s up to Esther and her friend Max the Magician to fight Evil by stopping the gang war before it starts killing the wrong people. And if she has time, maybe Esther can actually keep a hot date with her hunky detective friend Lopez, who doesn’t believe in magic. Yet. Unplug the phone and settle down for a fast and funny read.”
—New York Times bestselling author Mary Jo Putney
Review: Alright, I’ll start off by saying I LOVED this book and then continue on by going right into complaining about it. My complaint isn’t about the book itself, just a really irritating mishap by I assume, the publisher. This is not the first book in this series! When you open to the list of books in this series, this is the first one listed, followed by two with little *’s to indicate they hadn’t been published yet. The whole reason I read this book was I liked the look of book number three in this series (which has in fact, now been published). I was willing to take the time and start from the beginning and they let me down. /rant
I should probably mention, that not reading the first book in no way took away from the story. I loved this book and will continue to love it even though a swap in publishers made for one very annoyed Kellie.
All that being said, this book was hilarious! The title alone should tell you something. It was laugh out loud funny the whole way through. It was clever, witty and very well written. I loved the main character, Esther as well as her mafia “sidekick” Lucky. The older sorcerer Max was a little harder to get to know, but apparently that was what the first book was for. Sorry, I said I’d stop.
I love that the mystery had a mob twist on it. I’m not especially a fan of mob stories, actually I’m not sure I’ve ever read one but it gave this story some unique flair that I’ve never seen before. It really helped to build the world that Esther lives in and the people that populate her life. Her cop, would-be boyfriend, even manages to play a roll in how the various crime families interacted with the main character. I cracked a smile every time someone chimed in with “You date a cop!?”
I’ll definitely be reading the next book in the series. I will not be going back to read the first though *shakes fist*
Second Opinions
@ Grasping For The Wind
@ SciFiChick
@ Enchanting Reviews
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