Divergent in the mail!

Written By: Kellie - May• 09•11

So, I got a pretty fantastic surprise today. I got a copy of Divergent in the mail! It came right from the Toronto office of HarperCollins and I really don’t know what prompted it it, or who I can email to say thank you, thank you, thank you! I had requested the NetGalley arc but got rejected (it was like two days before the book came out) and then a week or so later… voila, book! There’s a bookmark with a link to http://thesavvyreader.ca/, no idea what that is either. Will need to check it out!

Anyways, if whoever decided to send me that book reads this (unlikely, but here’s hopin) then thank you, thank you! Divergent is a book I will definitely reread and here I was thinking I’d have to wait until it came out in paperback before I could have  a copy to call my own. It’s now sitting on my ‘special stuff shelf’ besides my Wizarding World of Harry Potter wand. Bleeee!


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One Comment


    There. I said it. I am so giddy when it comes to this book/series that I hope you love it just as much as I do. You might want to wait to start it when you have time on your hands as I started it at 8pm and read until 3am. Whew.


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