Review: Alpha by Rachel Vincent

Written By: Kellie - Feb• 19•11


Synopsis: The unscrupulous new Council chair has charged Jace, Marc and me with trespassing, kidnapping, murder and treason. Yeah, we’ve been busy. But now it’s time to take justice into our own hands. We must avenge my brother’s death and carve out the rot at the heart of the Council.

It’s not going to be easy, and loss seems unavoidable, but I have promised to protect my Pride, no matter what. With a target on my back and Marc at my side, I’m heading for a final showdown that can–that will–change everything forever. A showdown I’m not sure I’m ready for.

But life never waits until you’re ready. -Goodreads

Review: The end of one of my absolute favorite series, and what a spectacular ending it was. It magically managed to tie everything up and left me happy at how it ended, but sad that it had to end at all. There were some pretty big moments that you could see coming from a mile away (or from the cover of the book) but it was still handled really well

I love all of the characters in this series. They’re flawed but genuinely likeable. For the most part the characters are fully developed and fleshed out. You can really see how far they’ve come from the first book in the series. They all react beautifully to the countless hurdles put before them in this final chunk of the shifters saga. Also, there were a lot of moments of awesome in this one. Where you just feel the rising tension, or the big wins. You’re really cheering for these people the whole way through.

The romantic triangle is still a major factor throughout most of the book. It doesn’t end how I had wanted it too, but I’ll live. The business of Alpha is pretty tough stuff and Faythe’s chosen partner will be a good one for her down the road *sigh*.

Also, another thing that made this book (and series) so good were the bad guys! These are people you really love to hate which makes for a great book. You really want to see Faythe kick these people in the face.

I read this whole thing cover to cover in half a day. I was actually sad to go out and have to buy new shoes because it meant I had to take an hour long break from this wonderful, wonderful book. Anyways, if you haven’t read it yet (I waited so long to read it because I really didn’t want this series to end), do it now! The whole series is worth a read but but if you’ve read most of it, don’t be afraid to finish off the series. I promise, you won’t be disappointed.

You can visit Rachel Vincent online, here.

Buy the book @Amazon (US) @Amazon (CAN)


Second Opinions:
@Book’d Out
@A Book Worm’s Haven
@Ink and Paper

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One Comment

  1. Shelleyrae says:

    It really was a good series, I nearly gave up on it after the first book and I’m glad I didn’t

    Shelleyrae @ Book’d out

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